Aflu via meebo cum s-au nascut emoticoanele - multumita lui Scott E. Fahlman, vecin de shrine cu David Bradley, inventatorul combinatiei CTRL+ALT+DEL si cu Jarkko "WiZ" Oikarinen, parintele IRC-ului.
Pe cuvantul meu, acesti oameni merita sa fac in cinstea lor un shrine din monitorul meu vechi, pe care sa ard pixeli cu miros de sursa-ncinsa. Wikipedia dixit:
"Scott Elliot Fahlman (born March 21, 1948, in Medina, Ohio, USA) is a computer scientist at Carnegie Mellon University. He is notable for early work on automated planning in a blocks world, on semantic networks, on neural networks (and, in particular, the cascade correlation algorithm) and on Common Lisp (cam asta invatzam eu in scoala, apropo... asta ca sa intelegeti cum am ajuns sa imi placa atat de mult oamenii si comunicarea directa). Recently, Fahlman has been engaged in constructing a Knowledge Base, Scone, based in part on his thesis work on the NETL Semantic Network.
In addition, he is credited with originating the first "smiley" or "emoticon," which he thought would help people on a message board at Carnegie Mellon to distinguish serious posts from jokes. He proposed the use of :-) and :-( for this purpose, and the symbols caught on. The original message board post from which these symbols originated was posted on September 19, 1982. It was retrieved in 2002 by a team of computer specialists seeking to validate the claim, which is still disputed.
This was the message:
19-Sep-82 11:44
From: Scott E Fahlman
Subject: :-)
I propose that the following character sequence for joke markers:
Read it sideways. Actually, it is probably more economical to mark things that are NOT jokes, given current trends. For this, use
:-( ".
Cata dreptate, zic, cata dreptate.
Vittorio Emanuel
5 years ago
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