Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Gand cu anotimpuri

Stiti ce face iarna, cand se induioseaza?
Lapovitza! :)

The truth about Irak

Totoro: nu... da mai am oleak si o trag de par pe vaca asta
Corin: Totoro
Corin: zen
Totoro: mda
Corin: gandeste-te la pasarele
Corin: pe o creanga
Corin: in lumina blanda a diminetzii
Totoro: nu pot
Totoro: kkt
Totoro: ma imaginez mai degraba intr-un FPS
Totoro: in firma
Totoro: me with my gun and everybody else
Corin: atunci gandeste-te la un hipopotam mort, cu o bucata de conducta roz in fund
Totoro: :))
Totoro: now this is funny
Totoro: you know funny
Totoro: this is funny
Corin: eu sunt sigur
Corin: absolut sigur
Corin: ca a murit facand niste lucruri
Corin: si ca de fapt in Irak
Corin: nu Al Qaeda saboteaza oleoducturile
Totoro: :)
Totoro: ci hipopotamii
Corin: ci grupuri de hipopotami
Totoro: hehehe
Corin: care vin noaptea acolo, in cautarea tevilor. .. :)

Monday, June 25, 2007

I beg you to reconsider

Cameron Diaz apologized Sunday for carrying a bag with a political slogan that evoked painful memories in Peru.

The voice of Princess Fiona in the animated "Shrek" films visited the Incan city of Machu Picchu in Peru's Andes on Friday carrying an olive green bag emblazoned with a red star and the words "Serve the People" printed in Chinese, perhaps Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong's most famous political slogan.

The bags are marketed as fashion accessories in some world capitals, but in Peru the slogan evokes memories of the Maoist Shining Path insurgency that fought the government in the 1980s and early 1990s in a bloody conflict that left nearly 70,000 people dead.

"I sincerely apologize to anyone I may have inadvertently offended. The bag was a purchase I made as a tourist in China and I did not realize the potentially hurtful nature of the slogan printed on it," Diaz said in a statement e-mailed to The Associated Press.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Despre tari

Romania / Qschi

Qschi: stai ca-mi aleg o sonerie pt telefon
Qschi: ca suna in birou 3 telefoane la fel
Qschi: ma gandesc sa-mi pun Aura Urziceanu
Qschi: dor de viata
Qschi: da' ma tem ca o sa se tavaleasca lumea de ras
Qschi: are un intro super ciudat
Corin: :)
Corin: de ce sa se tavaleasca, habar nu au romana
Qschi: nu de asta
Qschi: da' intro-ul suna a muzica bananiera
Qschi: ca e lung
Corin: pai Romania e exact o tzara bananiera, dar fara banane.

Brazilia / Panamea

Corin: bai, arata ca in pescuitul miraculos.
Corin: io cred ca tre sa curga lapte si miere in tzara aia.
Panamea: da, si caprioarele vin la tine, iti smulg pusca, isi trag singure un glontz in cap....
Panamea: Dupa care isi baga un batz in fund si se duc sa se invarta incet deasupra focului, din proprie initiativa...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Small cars as a pure reason

Stiti de ce 99,99999(9)% dintre barbati nu ajung nume importante in filosofie? Pentru ca trebuie sa fii Kant, ca sa poti sa dai la sase ani raspunsul gresit la intrebarea:

Ei baiete, ce iti doresti tu mai mult si mai mult, cunoasterea universala sau o masinutza rosie?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Where is the love?

Va mai amintiti de surprizele de la guma de mestecat Tipi-Tip? Invariabil, se incheiau cu oftatul personajului principal, care dupa ce facea un lucru incredibil de stupid pentru a-si demonstra dragostea, isi spunea resemnat: "Things we do for looove..."

This movie is about the evil twin of Tipi-Tip, who gets into advertising...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Gaza turns into a comic strip

Associated Press, June 14, 2007:

"...In the southern town of Khan Younis, Hamas militants surrounded a security headquarters and warned everyone inside to leave or they would blow it up, witnesses said. The building was then destroyed by a bomb planted in a tunnel underneath it, said Ali Qaisi, a presidential guard spokesman.

An Associated Press reporter saw defeated Fatah fighters streaming out of the building after turning over their weapons to Hamas militants. Hamas took weapons, clothes and vehicles and flew a green Islamic flag over the building, then celebrated by firing in the air and passing out candy...."

They were passing out candy :)

If HSBC would ever dare open a branch in the Gaza Strip (who knows, maybe they will get into islamic banking after all), this would be a great subject for their "HSBC - The world's local bank" ad campaign (also check out British in China, Commuter in New York, Biker in Brasil, The italian girl). It must be one of those cultural differences that get westerners killed in the Middle East...

I can imagine what is going to happen when Hamas finally defeats Fatah: they will sit around eating cake and drinking smoothies...

We meet again

To quote my friend T.:
"there are little airplanes, flying around us..."

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The frenchies did it again

"... Although the more or less official term for vehicles of this type is UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), a French word [from Greek roots] for a plane without a pilot has been coined - "gnopter". The word comes from the Greek words: "gnosis" meaning knowledge, "gnome" meaning intelligence and "pteron" meaning wing.

This word sums up the machine's mission. The gnopter is a device that can increase information on, or knowledge of a given location. The machines can also be adjusted in real-time, to fulfill a given mission."

I can imagine the jokes. A british Lynx helicopter friendly advice to an american F-15 fighter, about the gnopter: stay away from that frenchie girl, she has gonorrhea!".

So much about NATO interoperability... :)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Monologuri absurde

Ma trezeste setea, in linistea noptii. Ochii, nedumeriti, incearca sa se agatze de repere. Privirea aluneca pe peretzi, sfarshind inevitabil in intunericul din papucii de casa.

Sete. Ti-e sete. Cola, in frigider.

Pe jumatate adormit, las corpul sa ma duca spre bucatarie, asa cum caii isi duc acasa carutzasul beat. Deschid usa metalica cu un gest exact, indelung exersat. Stilul smuls.

Si daca baiatul ala, Karate Kid, s-ar fi apucat de haltere in loc de arte martiale? Evident, l-ar fi pus maestrul sa deschida usi de frigider, in loc sa frece geamuri.

Lumina ma invaluie, rece si discreta. Pavlov. O epifanie. Sau poate amandoua.

Indiana Jones, gasind in chivot un dublu cheeseburger. The Golden Arch.

Lichidul incepe sa se grabeasca, alunecand pe nuantzele de acid ca pe-o coaja de banana. Brusc, din stanga apare un gand care ruleaza constant, facandu-i cu mana, in timp ce el isi agita caraghios bratele, incercand sa-si mentina echilibrul.

Eh, era un tanar din partida wahabista...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Let the good time roll

I tell you, a good idea can hit you anytime, anywhere. I was waiting in my car, at a late hour, in front of the Swedish embassy* and... I don't know, it just happened :)

As a long time admirer of the brand, I took the liberty of putting together an ad proposal for Mercedes I hope you will find enjoyable.
*It was not a form of protest, Swedish embassy people. Maybe just some sort of divine retribution for the fact that Volvo is so much about protection, that you can not make out in the backseat of their cars.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Politice V (post-factum)

Ca tot eram la subiectul asta... o mostra de umor involuntar din campania din 2004, pe care am gasit-o cautand aceleasi fotografii basesciene (sublinierea imi apartine):

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Politice IV (Cum sa faci un poster anti-Basescu)

Un exercitiu practic de comunicare politica pentru domnisoarele alea de pension care au facut campanie pentru domnu' Geoana. Fetelor, acum ca s-a terminat campania, haideti sa va arat ce e aia character assasination, in timp ce voi plimbatzi distrate batista intre ochi, gura si tzambal...

* 7 iunie 2007: wondering around in cautare de poze basesciene am dat peste aceeasi idee, foarte bine articulata de dl. Gorzo. Zic sa dam Cezarului ce-i al Cezarului, pentru ca a fost primul care a vazut lucrurile asa. Iata si pictura dansului:

Designing the future

It's the car. Chicks love the car ... Maybe this is why concept cars look more and more batmanish. Le derriere, Renault? Fetishist frenchies, you got it all wrong! The future of the car wears fluid bodyarmor. With nipples.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Meet The Meatrix

... or how to reach 15 millions people & get a dozen of film prizes with a pretty funny expose on the evils of factory farming. A high impact, well crafted web campaign from the Sustainable Table Program (Grace) & The Free Range Studios.

Monkey Business

Believe it or not, you are looking at the logo of 2012 Olympic Games.

This is one of those fine design examples that make you seriously wonder if you should have considered paying the five bananas asked for its logo proposal by the dyslexic monkey with a bad hair day you met at the Zoo, instead of the 400.000 pound fee paid to that fancy branding agency.