- Habar n-am.... se divide cu 11?
- Ma uitam la numar si dintr-un motiv sau altul, stiam ca trebuie sa cumpar nenorocirea aia de hanorac. Then I figure it out - Jesus died at 33. Asta era un mesaj pentru mine: live fast, die young. The way I see it, hanoracul e un fel de reminder. Pe de alta parte, exista si ceva tonic in mesajul asta - mai am timp. Una peste alta, mai sunt ceva ani pana cand o sa fac 33."
Am avut dialogul asta cu o amica, in urma cu niste saptamani. De atunci, am trait la randul meu cu senzatia ca era ceva familiar in povestea cu numarul asta, un ceva pe care nu reuseam sa pun degetul. It took a late night chat with another old friend of mine, Jack, to figure it out: it was the "33" factor, cum il numesc cei de la Igor, unul dintre cele mai misto criterii de analiza a valorii unui nume de brand. So what does it stand for? Citez:
"33 – The force of brand magic, and the word-of-mouth buzz that a name is likely to generate. Refers to the mysterious "33" printed on the back of Rolling Rock beer bottles from decades that everybody talks about because nobody is really sure what it means.
"33" is that certain something that makes people lean forward and want to learn more about a brand, and to want to share the brand with others."
The Igor Naming Guide
The moral of the story is that if you want to make it in branding, one of the things you have to do is to surround yourself with people and things that help you stay curious about the world. Like my friend Teo, who makes people see little biplanes, flying around us. Or like my friend Jack, and his old number 7.
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