Exista o mare diferenta intre mine si Yvon Chouinard, fondatorul Patagonia (un alt brand bine construit si comunicat, despre care merita sa cititi cate ceva): in timp ce el este un alpinist reputat, I'm just an average couch potato.
Singurul lucru care ne uneste este o replica pe care am murmurat-o amandoi, in doua contexte diferite: "Definitely, I can do better than this. At half the price." Ei bine, pe el il frustra lipsa de customizare a echipamentului de alpinism; pe mine, cea a mobilei de prin magazinele patriei; credeti-ma pe cuvant, cand esti relativ mare, nimic nu este mai incomod decat o "comoda".
Adevarul e ca suntem amandoi niste consumatori egocentrici, care nu inteleg de ce brandurile incearca sa imbratiseze lumea, in loc sa ne imbratziseze pe noi. Genul asta de group hug ma lasa foarte rece. When it comes to the things I use, I don't want to fit, I want to be fitted.
After some thinking and a lot of dissapointing experiences I came to the conclusion that the only decent option is to start creating your own stuff, mainly because:
1. Nobody knows you as well as you do; potentially, you are the best designer option you can count on;
2. Good design is the most cost effective form of luxury. But good design is always going to evolve in a. mass-produced or b. prohibitive price tagged products. Either way, it won't last as a means of self-expression;
3. When it comes to exclusivity, customisation should replace the price tag as a value criterion. Luxury without customization = 0; this is why people laugh when they see Bentleys driven by wealthy midgets.
So, take my advice for it: design yourself a life. As a bonus, rest assured, you will definitely make the world a better place in the process.
Vittorio Emanuel
5 years ago