Saturday, October 29, 2011

Where to drink in Bucharest

If what you drink is more important than the decor, it's quite simple: Flair Angel. A while ago, five of the best Romanian bartenders thought about having a place of their own, up to their high standards of bartending. Meet Marius Gogoasa,  a.k.a. ObyWan, Costin Bucur a.k.a. Creasta, Adrian  Caradeanu a.k.a. Postasu, Ionut Ivanov a.k.a. Lipoveanu, Valentin Luca a.k.a. FlairManiac. We are talking Mount Olympus here: Vali is one of the best bartenders in the world, as confirmed at the The Roadhouse Flair World Finals, his friends coming close by.

So get there. Ask for a drink. Watch the show. Sip it. And you just had one of the best drinking experiences in the world.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Where to go

Istoria în 192 de imagini. Afişul polonez 1917 – 2007
O expozitie buna, un pic prea centrata pe posterul social si propagandistic si mai putin pe posterul de film/teatru, care a facut celebra scoala poloneza. Oricum, de vazut. O mai gasiti pana pe 8 ianuarie la Muzeul Naţional de Artă al României, corp Ştirbei (str. Ştirbei Vodă 1-3, intrare prin dreapta Muzeului).

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What to have (II)

A wonderful, oversized rusticated Moretti pipe.

Friday, October 14, 2011

DIY: Improvising a tamper

Like the most of you, I have developed this special ability of making my pipe tampers disappear into thin air, from time to time. Let me tell you one thing: while stupidity kills, simplicity and improvisation keep you alive. And the best way to improvise on the go is to base your solution design on widely available resources.

If you need an instant pipe tamper, just get a coin and a paperclip.
First, fold the paperclip.
Second, insert the coin into the grip.

Here you go, you have an instant pipe tamper, just light up and have a smoke... Merry Christmas and... matches, anyone?!

Monday, October 10, 2011

What to have (I)

Pereche de pipe Peterson din perioada pre republicana (1906, ca sa fim mai exacti). 

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Jocul numerelor (II)

8 din 10 femei si-ar schimba samponul in Fa Nutriskin. 

Si totusi de ce nu o fac, domnule copywriter?

Friday, October 07, 2011

Gand cu Osama

Daca Osama bin Laden ar fi jucat intr-un musical, stiti cum s-ar fi chemat?
Unora le place Hajj-ul!

Saturday, October 01, 2011

All rejoice!

Scrie pe cer e pe short list la Golden Drum :)

P.S. (late edit) Cineva in mod cert nu a tinut pumnii, altfel nu imi explic cum am pierdut. Ia, aratati palmele, sa vedem cine nu are semne rosii ...