Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Here's a funny blog about Kim (the Jong Il, not the Kardashian).
Haze by Fingathing on Grooveshark

Ever heard of a cinemagraph?

It's a GIF that presents itself as a photo but shows only some subtle details in motion. Few seconds, frozen in time, waiting for the right director to transform them into the shortest short movie in history. Which, btw, is going to be my next art project.

Until then, this is next best thing: I took some of Kevin Burgs' cinematographs, added one, and rearranged them in order to make a short story out of it. It's called "The fastest man"...

Monday, January 30, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The other Mondrian

One of my all time favorites: the portret of Igor Stravinsky, as seen by Arnold Newman. Here's a nice post about him, via wayneford's posterous.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How to start working on a new presentation

When you're working on a new Powerpoint presentation, don't use the blank template (that if the company you're working for even thought about having one). Just get an old presentation from a pitch you've won, respectfuly strip the old content down, one piece at a time, and save the file under a new name.

Think about it: you've probably invested a lot of energy into it. Get some of your residual mojo back, let the energy flow. You'll see - your creative chakra and your boss will thank you.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Radish Field by Depth Affect on GroovesharkThe Villain Stands by Depth Affect on Grooveshark

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

De rerum natura

In ultimii ani am ales sa nu scriu. Stiu, e ciudat, in teorie tin un blog, dar am vazut lucruri cu mult mai ciudate in viata. O sa ii las pe altii sa va uimeasca cu retorica, eu am trecut peste etapa asta.

O sa incerc sa fiu scurt.

Nu inteleg ce faceti pe strazi. Nu v-am vazut in cabinele de vot, iar asta va descalifica. Nu v-am vazut candidand, iar asta va descalifica. Nu v-am vazut construind societatea civila, iar asta va descalifica. Nu stiti ce vreti, iar asta va descalifica. Nu pareti ca intelegeti consecintele reale ale faptelor voastre, iar asta va descalifica. Aceste cinci lucruri sunt motivele pentru care vi se intampla ce vi se intampla. Nu Basescu, nu criza, nu Boc, nu blocurile gri, nu bocancii jandarmilor.

Stiti care e problema? Voi sunteti.

Tale of two empires

Sunday, January 15, 2012

What to have (VI)

A XIXth century Russian silver cigar case designed for the Perfecto vitola.

Monday, January 09, 2012